There are no active programs at this time. Should you need assistance, please email us at customerservice@unionsupplydirect.com or by calling (866)402-0644.
Please select one of our packages
Ohio Food Package
Food packages consist of only food items. For more information on ordering regulations please Click Here!
You can pick up to 8 great food promo items!
*Promotional items are only available at facilities where incarcerated adults are allowed to receive promotional items.
Mailing in your order? Click Here to download the order form!
To begin shopping, please enter the incarcerated adult's Department of Corrections ID# in the box below. All ODRC incarcerated adult numbers begin with either an A, W or R:
Ohio Sundry Package
Shop here to order your Shoes, Clothing, Televisions, Headphones, Soap, Conditioner, Cosmetics and so much more! For more information on ordering regulations please Click Here!
You can pick up to 6 great sundry promo items!
*Promotional items are only available at facilities where incarcerated adults are allowed to receive promotional items.
Mailing in your order? Click Here to download the order form!
To begin shopping, please enter the incarcerated adult's Department of Corrections ID# in the box below. All ODRC incarcerated adult numbers begin with either an A, W or R:
Ohio Exempt Package
Order your Shoes, Televisions, Radios, Headphones, Typewriters, and Religious items here! For more information on ordering regulations please Click Here!
You can pick up to 2 great exempt promo items!
Mailing in your order? Click Here to download the order form!
To begin shopping, please enter the incarcerated adult’s Department of Corrections ID# in the box below. All ODRC incarcerated adult numbers begin with either an A, W or R:
Ohio Prepaid Account
Our new Prepaid Program is a prepaid account that an incarcerated adult, friends and/or family can open with the purpose of adding funds to an incarcerated adult's account for future purchases. Funds can be deposited into a prepaid account at any time and can be used for all Union Supply Direct programs including Food, Sundry and Exempt orders. Just check off the ‘prepaid account’ option under the Payment Method section of the order form, send us the form, and we will process your order.
Ohio Food Package
Food packages consist of only food items. For more information on ordering regulations please Click Here!
You can pick up to 8 great food promo items!
*Promotional items are only available at facilities where incarcerated adults are allowed to receive promotional items.
Mailing in your order? Click Here to download the order form!
To begin shopping, please enter the incarcerated adult's Department of Corrections ID# in the box below. All ODRC incarcerated adult numbers begin with either an A, W or R:
Ohio Sundry Package
Shop here to order your Shoes, Clothing, Televisions, Headphones, Soap, Conditioner, Cosmetics and so much more! For more information on ordering regulations please Click Here!
You can pick up to 6 great sundry promo items!
*Promotional items are only available at facilities where incarcerated adults are allowed to receive promotional items.
Mailing in your order? Click Here to download the order form!
To begin shopping, please enter the incarcerated adult's Department of Corrections ID# in the box below. All ODRC incarcerated adult numbers begin with either an A, W or R:
Ohio Exempt Package
Order your Shoes, Televisions, Radios, Headphones, Typewriters, and Religious items here! For more information on ordering regulations please Click Here!
You can pick up to 2 great exempt promo items!
Mailing in your order? Click Here to download the order form!
To begin shopping, please enter the incarcerated adult’s Department of Corrections ID# in the box below. All ODRC incarcerated adult numbers begin with either an A, W or R:
Ohio Prepaid Account
Our new Prepaid Program is a prepaid account that an incarcerated adult, friends and/or family can open with the purpose of adding funds to an incarcerated adult's account for future purchases. Funds can be deposited into a prepaid account at any time and can be used for all Union Supply Direct programs including Food, Sundry and Exempt orders. Just check off the ‘prepaid account’ option under the Payment Method section of the order form, send us the form, and we will process your order.